Adam’s Folly is not a traditional boarding kennel. Guests receive individualized attention, lots and lots of love and spend their time in a comfortable homey environment. Depending on your dog’s personality and size he may spend the night in either a spacious indoor/outdoor run, or in one of the special suites we have for families or our older patrons. We reserve the right to determine where your pet may be most comfortable. We limit the number of guests so call for reservations well in advance. We also request that you call as soon as possible if you need to cancel reservations.
Per NC State Agricultural law, all food must be stored in airtight containers. Therefore, we cannot accept food in ziploc or plastic bags unless it comes in an airtight plastic container with a sealed lid. Also, all medication must come with the original pill bottle with the dosage, name and vet on the label in order for us to administer it. If you put medication in a pill box or ziploc bag, we still need the empty pill bottles to be able to show the inspector. We have bedding here so please do not bring huge beds that we are unable to fit in a washing machine and wash if needed. You may bring smaller beds and blankets if you prefer.
Our Guests’ Daily Schedule:
7:00 - 8:00 Morning bathroom break
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 - 11:00 (weekends) or 12:00 (on weekdays) PLAYTIME. All dogs get to go outside for exercise. Smaller dogs have access to the indoor living room and kitchen where they get to lay around and watch TV. Larger dogs have access to the indoor run and outdoor play yard.
11:00 or 12:00 - 2:00 Nap time. Lights are turned down and everyone finds their spot, gets a biscuit and then goes down for a nap.
2:00 - 3:00 Afternoon bathroom break
3:00 - 3:30 Dinner
4:00 - 5:00 PLAYTIME. All dogs get exercise again.
5:00 Rest time. Once again, lights are turned down, radios are turned on, everyone finds their spot, gets a biscuit and goes down for the evening.
8:00 - 10:00 Nighttime bathroom break and an opportunity to stretch their legs one last time before bed. BEDTIME.

To book a reservation, it is best to call us at 910-253-3534 to check for availability since we are often booked 2-3 weeks in advance, especially weekends. For new clients: We will need a copy of your pet's shot records emailed to adamsfolly@atmc.net and our boarding agreement filled out prior to their stay. See boarding agreement at the bottom of the page.
Monday - Friday: 9 am - Noon 3 pm - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9 am - 11 am & 3 pm - 5 pm
Check-out time: NOON M - F & 11:00 Sat & Sun.
We operate just like a people's bed & breakfast. The first full day charge applies regardless of check-in time. Your spot was reserved for the day and we could not use it, so you are charged for the day regardless of when you drop your pet off.
Dog Boarding One Dog Per Night: $38
Each Additional Dog: $28 (if they stay together)
This includes exercise! We do not charge extra for exercise. Everyone gets exercise.
We administer simple medication and if your dog has a special routine or diet, we will do it.
Cats: We are not accepting new cat clients at this time. $15 per day per cat for existing cat clients.
PETS PICKED UP AFTER 12:00 NOON INCUR A FULL DAY'S CHARGE. If you pick up in the morning hours you are not charged for the day. If you pick up in the afternoon hours, you are charged for that day since they have been here all day.
Off hours drop off and pick up: $25 additional charge (not recommended)
Adam’s Folly is closed for check-in and check-out on these holidays:
Thanksgiving & Christmas Day
Due to high demand for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, we charge an additional $10 per stay (not dog) per day for the following days :
Peak Rates:
$10 extra per day per stay (not dog)
Nov. 27, 28, 29, 30, Dec 1
Dec. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
For multi dog families in which dogs will be housed together: $38 per day for the first dog and $28 per night for each additional doggie family member.
Medication: We do not charge extra to administer simple medication. However, if your dog takes more than 3 medications twice a day, we will charge $5 extra per day. We are not accepting any new diabetic clients as we will no longer be administering insulin. All medication must come in the original pill bottle or package from the veterinarian with dosage instructions on the label. This is a NC Department of Agriculture requirement.
We serve Diamond Chicken and rice or Lamb/ Rice dry food topped with Dave's Chicken or Blue Buffalo Lamb. We also serve real canned chicken to finicky dogs if owners permit us to.
Feel free to bring your pet’s own food and we will feed him just the way you do. We have a refrigerator and a microwave on site. Please bring your food in a plastic, sealed, airtight container and tell us how much we should feed your pet. You do not need to put them in individual Ziploc bags.
$25 for dogs 50 pounds or less. $35 for dogs over 50 pounds. We have fun and our guests PLAY HARD! Exit baths are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and can be done before departure. Just ask for one when you drop off! If your dog soils himself during its stay, we will give a bath and charge $25.
We can send a picture and a text once per your dog's stay upon request. However, if you ask for more or one every day, there will be a $5 charge per text.
Included in your dog's stay, no extra charge.
We are a fully air conditioned and heated indoor facility. No dogs are housed outside over night. (I only mention this because I get it asked often).
Proof of current vaccinations are required. Dogs must have proof of current inoculations for rabies, distemper, parvo and Bordetella (kennel cough). Puppies must have proof of current rabies immunization at 4 months of age and we require two distemper/parvo vaccines. Your veterinarian can provide you with the necessary verification paperwork. Ask them to fax it to us at 1-910-898-8033 or email us at adamsfolly@atmc.net. Since vaccinations can take up to 7 days to take effect, we recommend that they be done at least 7 days before you board your pet.
We provide all our guests with Kuranda cots and/or blankets and bedding.
You are welcome to bring any bedding and toys from home, however we cannot guarantee their return or condition. Please do not bring large beds that we can not wash if they get soiled.
We strive to keep our Adam's Folly Bed & Biscuit flea and tick free.
The perimeter of the facility is sprayed for fleas and ticks. If we see fleas and ticks on your pet we will bathe it and there will be an additional $25 (and up, depending on size of dog) fee charged.
Despite the precautions we are unable to guarantee that your pet will be free of parasites when you check out.